
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Well, I think it's funny...

My tastes in humor are simple and I like it clean and fun.  I don't care much for dirty jokes -- I used to think they were "edgy" but not anymore.  They're just crass.  And I don't care much for the "they're wrong" type of humor, nor does the "did you ever notice..." angle do much for me.
So what kind of humor do I like?
Well, stuff like this from a Fibber McGee & Molly radio show broadcast in 1945 at the end of World War II.
It's of the "deliberate misunderstanding" variety of humor.  Gracie Allen of Burns & Allen was a master of this type of humor, but the most famous example comes from Abbott & Costello.  Their "Who's on first?" bit is the classic of the genre.
Anyway,  this gives me a chuckle (it's about thee minutes long):

Fibber McGee and Molly
Gale Gordon (Mayor LaTrivia)