Saturday, September 12, 2020
Roosevelt and selfies
Take selfies and post them to Instagram! Live stream to your fan boys! Take requests! Watch the money roll in! Well...maybe that wouldn't have worked for TR. But still --
This is the age of the selfie. Lots of people sneer at the fad, but I don't see the harm. Too many of the commenting class seem to be uptight snobs, looking down their noses at us inferior beings who actually enjoy our lives. Everybody is vain. Everybody has an ego. Why pretend otherwise? Once in a while, "If it feels good, do it!" is sound advice.
Time and place, of course, but that also goes for prim rectitude and priggishness. Free your inner libertine from time to time, cut loose and howl!
You'll have to settle down and get back to work soon enough.