When it comes to popular music, as a rule I like something danceable and singable, a catchy tune, a conveyed emotion but nothing really serious and certainly nothing trying to make a Statement. Like somebody also said, if you want to send a message, call Western Union. Or I guess nowadays, text it, don't sing it.
It does amaze me how seriously people take their pop music tastes though. To me, as I've said before, it's all just ear candy and nothing really important or worth giving weight to. As my dad once remarked when he heard me listening to a Buddy Holly tune, "Three chords, a cloud of dust and a hiccup at the end." Well, yeah. And what's wrong with that?
Speaking of tastes in music, I asked my dad what he liked as a teenager. I mentioned Elvis and he made a face. No! Hates him. So...what did you like, I asked him. He thought back and said he remembered as a senior in high school driving his dad's 1966 Chrysler Newport with a 440cid four-barrel a hundred miles an hour while listening to Paul Revere and the Raiders sing "Kicks" and shouting along at the top of his voice. Way to go, Popster! I listened to it and like it. I could dance to it, fer shure.I guess that was a message song, though, anti-drugs, so I gotta revise my thoughts on disliking message music. Life is so complicated! Heh.
Oh, well. Like what you like. Just don't make me listen to it. And don't call me a moron if I don't like the stuff you like and you don't like the stuff I like. And what do I like? As if you didn't know. Stuff like this:
Regarding how people are different, I read someone in a blog comment putting down those people who write comments on old pop songs in YouTube saying how this one brings back memories of their first date, or when they met their future wife or husband or it was their mom or dad's favorite. This guy just found such comments banal and boring and like who cares about your stupid life, just shut up. I guess he preferred comments about how the video shows Biff Blowblatt on the kazoo while the original line-up of the band had Zippy Muldoon making that kazoo rock, so this is not truly authentic or, you know, like whatever or something.
But, for me, those memories people post telling what the song meant to them are endlessly interesting and I never get enough of them. Those commenting on the history of the band or technical details and so forth I skim past. I don't care. But if your mom always sang that song when she was happy and you played it at her funeral, well, gosh, I will read every word and then listen to the song again and think about your mom and try to understand why she liked it so much.
It's the same with blog posts. I like the personal stuff most of all. I don't care all that much for the pontificating on Covid or the Ukraine or some political or economic thing, though, of course, I read them to try to keep up with what's going on in the world, but mostly they are all the same to me, whatever the point of view. But, when the blogger slides off into some personal musings, then is when my ears perk up and I read with close interest. Yeah, yeah, Amerika sucks, BFD, what else is new? But you ate that for supper and liked it? Huh -- just looking at it makes me want to heave. And it only cost 57 cents? Too expensive at half the price, if you ask me. Or, you were able to bicycle to the grocery store despite the two inches of snow on the ground, but, darn it, they were out of spotted dicks and only had extra large chocolate ones, but they did have a case of Three Musketeers on sale and you snatched that right up because your father-in-law, who is diabetic, loves them and...