I've heard it said that politics spoils the character, and I used to believe it, but now I'm not at all sure. Based on reading the comments to political blogs, I think politics attracts people with spoiled character, or, more accurately, angry, hostile, vicious character. Those who hate. Hate who? Hate why? Doesn't matter, they just hate. Make that hate. There is something wrong with them at a fundamental level. And it doesn't really matter which political side they support, they just want an enemy.
Of course, those in control use such people to maintain and increase their power. If they are on the so-called left, then they encourage Spartacist types. If they are on the so-called right, then they encourage the Freikorps types. Us normies who wring our hands and say can't we all just get along? are belittled, denigrated and ignored. Once in a while, some of us get fed up and say, okay, that's about enough of this damned nonsense, stand aside, we're taking over. And we do, jailing or hanging those bastards. But it doesn't happen very often, certainly not often enough, and you can't depend on it happening. Usually, the haters just drag their country and its people into disaster, failure and ruin. Usually? Always. Sooner or later. That's history.