I was digging through a bunch of old junk the other day and found my high school senior year book. I lost an afternoon poring over that thing, remembering all kinds of stuff.... Where did the time go? Why is nothing the way I expected it would be? Oh, blah, huh? What-ev!
Anyways, one thing that gave me a smile and sometimes a laugh--sometimes a sigh, too, as suddenly I remembered something long forgotten--was all the goofy quotes and sayings that people wrote when they signed their names.
Here are some of them:
You're daddy's little girl! But not the girl that daddy knew--daddy never had a clue!
X-tReMe Is NoT a MoOd, It'S a LYFE-STYLE!!!!!!
Money and looks aren't everything -- but they're all I've got!
Born with no soul
Lack of control
Cut from the mold
Of the anti-social!
tHeRe WeRe MoMeNTs We LauGHeD-n-CRiED
We aLWaYz STooD By eaCH oTHaZ SiDe
THoSe MaNY DaYs We sPeNT ToGeTHa
THeY WiLL STaY iN mY<3 4eva
There's a reason why people don't stay who they are--sometimes love just ain't enough
Some may call it XtC
Some may call it destiny
Some may call it meant 2B
But I Just call it u-n-me
Imagine a life without me -- miserable, huh?
Do u believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
Anyone can catch your eye but it takes someone special to catch your heart
Don't wish upon a star--reach for one!
I see you next to never,
how can we say forever?
Wherever you go,
whatever you do,
I will be right here waiting for you.
Whatever it takes,
or how my heart breaks,
I will be right here waiting for you.
God made Coke, God made Pepsi
God made you so hot N sexy!
I smile b-cuz I have no idea what is going on!
I taught you everything you know--but not everything I KNOW!
You're not weird, you're gifted! Just keep saying that!
Keep the pictures, they never change, only the people in them do
WiLl I eVeR fAlL iN luV aNd If I dO wILL iT bE wItH u??
Mystify people with your intelligence, and if u can't do that, mystify them with your BS!!!
Once Upon a Time
Something Happened To me
It was the Sweetest Thing
That ever could be
It was a Fantasy
A dream Come True
It was the Day I Met You
When me and you met the angels whispered "Run for your lives!"
Don't tell me how to pick my friends, I'm good at that -- remember, I picked you.
If you don't Stand for Something, You will Fall for Everything
Love can sometimes be magic, but magic is an ILLUSION!
I wrote your name on a paper but by an accident I threw it away
I wrote your name on my hand but i washed it the next day
I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away
I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay
SMILE! It scares people.
Friends don't let friends dress like hoochies!
If you don't know where ur going, any road will take u there.
Where is the good in Good-Bye?
Be Sexy...Be True...Be Wild...Be You
It's ok to live on the edge, just don't fall off!
It's easier to say hello to the people we hate
then to say goodbye to the people we love
As you climb the ladder of success
Don't let boys look up your dress!
People say that when you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes.
Make it worth watching!
Meeting you was fate.
Becoming your friend was a choice.
But falling in love I had no control over.
The reason I cant think straight is cuz my bra is too tight!
Don't keep looking back. If you do, you'll trip over the present and fall into the future.
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
Life is short
So PARTY we must!!
Live free, die proud
Have fun, play loud!
Silly blonde,
Brains are for brunettes!
Read a book,
Pluck a guitar,
Run away,
Don't get hit by a car!
Life is too short so kiss slowly, forgive quickly,
forget the past, but remember what it taught you.
Here we go ahead with the mixed memories and second thoughts.
Peer pressure...it's what friends are for!
In the sundae of your life I'm the perfect cherry on top!
If I could be anything I would be your tear so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened