Some old photos...
Just married, 1909. |
Kids get a bath every Saturday whether they need it or not. Stove is made from an old 55-gallon drum. |
Get a horse! |
You can ranch, mine, enlist or work on the railroad.... |
Or operate heavy equipment in dangerous terrain. |
You get ahead by studying and education. |
Our own Carnegie library! Thanks, Andy! |
Lunch counter during the Depression. |
Lady Lex sailors on liberty, Panama Canal Zone, 1939. |
Coffee break, Navy style. You better like it black. |
It's war with the dirty Japs! |
Pilot's ready room, USS Lexington, early 1942. |
Good order and discipline! |
Advancing under fire, Okinawa, 1945. |
Driving from Atsugi to Otemachi after the Japanese surrender. The Japanese soldier facing away is a mark of respect to the conqueror. We thought it was a snub. |
Let's watch this new type of radio with pictures called television. The future is here! 1949. |