Sunday, April 23, 2023

Aborting feminists

 I was working at a place where I do some part-time consulting and patient evaluation when some chubby guy with a clipboard accosted me.  He looked like a mole -- no not that kind, the animal that lives underground...although, now that I think about it....  Anyway, what he wanted was for me to sign this petition advocating the so-called "pro-choice" position on abortion.  I was busy and brushed him off, but he persisted.  Now, I don't even like to think about abortion at all. The very thought of it repels me.  I'm not "pro-life."  I just don't want to have my nose rubbed in the subject, one way or the other.  To me, it's a very private and personal matter, and no one's business but the person or persons concerned.  I don't think any government, municipal, county, state or federal, should have anything to do with it, but if they do, okay, whatever.  Just leave me out of it if you want to argue about it.  I just really hate thinking about any aspect of it, whether it is the when does life begin question or how far along in the pregnancy is it okay know....  See?  I can't even say it.

Would I have an abortion?  You mean kill my baby?  What about if I got pregnant as a result of rape or incest?  Incest? -- Oh, will you just get out of here!  Not in my world.  But I can grasp that there are social levels where that happens, but  that's for those people to have an opinion about the matter, not me.  Why do I have to think about or support laws regarding such people.  Let them deal with their own lives as they see fit.  And rape.  Okay. That's what morning-after pills are for, and if they are safe to use, they should be legal...I guess.  Geez, I don't know.  What I do know is that you should try to avoid any situation where rape is possible, and if it starts to happen in a situation where you didn't think it could, fight back, I guess.  Maybe that will work.  But probably not.  You don't really stand much of a chance against someone so much bigger and stronger than you are.  Even a teen-age boy can overpower you if he has no moral restraints.  And maybe the mere threat of physical injury might deter a person from fighting back.  We're not all brave.  Just endure it and hope it's over quickly and he doesn't hurt you. Or kill you.  So if you did get pregnant from a rape?  To me, that's a personal decision and nobody's business but the person concerned.  And the government should have no say.  And neither should I.  And I don't want to.

Did I sign that guy's petition?  No.  He asked if I were for women's rights and abortion is a basic women's right and as a feminist surely I must agree with that. I asked him why he thought I was a feminist. He said that because I was a degreed and certified professional in a demanding field that it was obvious that I had to be.  I then asked him what he meant by "feminist."  He began regurgitating some bafflegab so I interrupted him to ask if he was a feminist.  I assumed he would be offended or think I was making a joke.  But he asserted that he most certainly was.  I think that's the first time a man  has ever said such a thing to me.  I just looked at him. He said that if I changed my mind I could sign later.  He would be around. Well, if he is, I won't be.  

What an "undifferentiated tissue mass" becomes by and by.