Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 This is an encore post from November 17, 2022.  I've been listening to this radio play a lot lately.  I'd certainly pay $7.20 for a ticket on the Good Times Express.  I know exactly where I want to get off.  You want to ride it, too, don't you?  But are you sure you know where you want to get off?  You have to be sure. Unfortunately, I don't know where to catch this train.  Every taxi driver I've asked hasn't known, either.  Do you?


 The Good Times Express

 Enlightenment comes in two ways, that which we are told and that which we discover. The second way is the best.

I only know that I'm here and I want to stay here.  This is what I want.  You won't take it from me!  It's the most wonderful time in the world.

"The Good Times Express," first broadcast by CBS Radio Mystery Theater on June 30, 1978.  The story wanders one way and then another before ending up in a very unexpected place.  Where the Express goes depends on what we really want.