...real Nazis (we were, weren't we?)....
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Spanish Guam/American Guam (and the Japanese)
Just one example: I recently read some political blogger who referred to American criminal imperialism on Guam, an island that I know well, while entirely ignoring the horrific crimes the Spanish committed as part of a formal extermination policy against the native Chamorros. Here's what the Spanish did in Guam:
In 1668, when the Spanish began occupying the island, they estimated there were some 40,000 Chamorros on Guam. In 1670, the Chamorros rebelled against the invading Spanish and in retaliation the Spanish began a campaign to kill every male Chamorro -- men, boys, babies. Only a handful of males, mostly infants their mothers hid, survived concealed in caves in the jungle. By 1710, a census recorded only 3,539 Chamorros, a 92 percent decline of the population in only 42 years. The Spanish then began a program of forced intermarriage of Chamorro women with Spaniards, with the result that by 1797, a census recorded only 1,111 'pure blooded indigenes,' a census category that ceased to exist after 1830, as there were no more such individuals." See When Cultures Clash: Revisiting the ‘Spanish-Chamorro Wars by Francis X. Hezel, SJ.
After the USA took over Guam from the Spanish at the end of the Spanish-American War in 1899, the population of the remaining partial-blood Guamanians doubled in the the first 30 years. We built roads, introduced schools (the Spanish had kept the Chamorros illiterate), health clinics, built infrastructure including a dam and reservoir to ensure a steady supply of fresh water, and provided jobs. Today there are some 68,000 Chamorros on Guam, more than ever in history.
Then we could talk about the horrific massacres the Japanese committed against the Guamanians in their brief occupation of the island (See Japanese Atrocities on Guam). But no! Only Americans are bad!
You may think it odd that I go on so much about Guam, but I love Guam -- I'm a Guambat! I attended DoDEA school there as a child, and have been stationed there with the Navy. I still own a beachfront condo in Tamuning within walking distance of the good old Horse and Cow. And one of my relatives won the Navy Cross posthumously during the battle for Saipan, an island north of Guam in the Marianas.
Friday, February 18, 2022
The Man comes around
I was a passenger in an M-ATV that was struck by an EFP IED — that's an explosively-formed penetrator type of so-called improvised explosive device. It severely damaged our vehicle. I saw out of the corner of my eye a flower blooming bright red inside a blue shimmering sphere and thought, "What?" and that was it, the switch was turned off. When the switch was turned back on I was outside the vehicle. The driver was killed. The person who had been sitting next to me had had his ballistic vest shattered and parts of it forced inside his lung (which they tried to save but it got infected and had to be removed). There were other casualties. I don't really have any clear memories beyond that.
We should appreciate being alive, with all our arms and legs, our faces not burned off, able to walk and see. Each day is a gift from God and we should thank Him for allowing us to grow old and have memories along with our worries, cares and aches and pains.
“What are the children of men, but as leaves that drop at the wind's breath?”
“But now, as it is, sorrows, unending sorrows, must surge within
your heart — My spirit rebels — I’ve lost the will to live,
to take my stand in the world of men —”
~ Homer, The Iliad
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Bits and pieces
None of us liked cream pies.
In the before times, a person did not throw away worn or torn clothing. She mended them and was not abashed to wear the patched items in public, at least in non-formal situations. Doing so was a sign of thriftiness and homemaking skills. Oh, and people were not fat. They walked, biked, climbed stairs, did house- and yard work, and ate sufficiently but not to excess.
The photo, taken in 1942, shows a young woman mailing a letter to her husband in the service. She need not fear that a stalker would follow her home and stab her to death, or that a gang-banger driving by would gun her down for the lulz.
Men often talk--okay, boast--about that crazy girlfriend they used to have. It's always, "The sex was great but..." followed by some stupid blahblah. I always wondered a couple of things about that -- why do men so readily admit that the only thing that matters to them is sex and they will seduce a mentally ill person without qualm to get it; and...or...why can't men recognize a mentally ill person and avoid her--are they so blinded by their desire for sex that they are made fools?
Oh, and why don't women talk about that crazy boyfriend they used to have who was great in bed? Two reasons: sex is really not that overwhelmingly important to them and it's never that great so they are not going to put up with a nut case just so they can have sex, and--the crazy boyfriend murders them. It happens every day. Why do women stay with crazy boyfriends? Because: "He needs me, I can't leave him, maybe I can change him." When the verbal abuse and beatings become too much to bear and she tries to get away, it's too late. If she's had children with him in a vain hope that becoming a father will settle him down, he may murder them, too.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Plum blossoms and lichen
“This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the
animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for
the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate
tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward
the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man
or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with
the young and with the mothers of families, read in the
open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you
have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever
insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and
have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines
of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every
motion and joint of your body.”
Walt Whitman
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Star bright?
One time I was going to get reamed out by an 0-6 when he noticed my CAR, service bars and a couple of other pretty ribbons and badges and decided not to. You'd be surprised how many lifers, despite two decades of Iraq-Afghanistan fun, have never been near a war zone, let alone actual combat, and how intimidated they are by those who have. That is, if they are decent human beings. Some are not. Did I say some?
I know a girl who was stripped naked, held down and waterboarded with tequila by three rodeo clowns at the Rodeway Inn East in Cheyenne, Wyoming, during Frontier Days. Then they all three had their way with her. When she called 911, the dispatcher laughed and hung up on her. She called back and got the same dispatcher who was still laughing as he answered the phone. He hung up again.
I used to hang around him, pestering him with questions. Finally, he put me to work calculating those cube roots, but not using the calculator. He gave me a pencil and paper, showed me how to manually determine cube roots and set me to work, telling me how important my results were to him and how they must be absolutely accurate.
Then it got to where as soon as I saw a number I could envision its cube root, so when my dad said, tell me the cube root of 1,378, for example, I would immediately say 11.128. He would raise an eyebrow and tell me not to guess, it was important that he know the correct figure. I would insist it was. He'd look at me with his patented don't-BS-me look and then reach for his calculator, feed in the numbers, get the answer, stare at it, then look at me and have me do several more cube roots. When I did, he said, "God damn, kid!"
My mother in the next room called out, "I heard that! Don't swear in front of Wanda. You know she mimics everything you do." My dad muttered, "Maybe it's time I started mimicking you, squirt."
Eventually, he had me giving him the results from entire formulae. After some practice, I could do it practically instantaneously with no conscious thought. Dad began calling me the CalTech Kid, sure I would become some sort of genius. But when puberty hit, I completely lost the ability. I became boy crazy and my mother had to step in to control my concupiscence. It seemed as if as my body transformed itself into that of an adult female my brain lost interest in the abstract and focused on people. My dad was baffled and disappointed but my mother seemed quite pleased. She had worried I would never give her grandchildren but now she knew she didn't have to worry about that.
An audio play about a very bright little girl, "Star Bright," first broadcast on the NBC radio series X Minus One, April 10, 1956:
There are easier ways to get what you want, chief. |
The crew boss was an American Indian married to a white woman. The pair showed up the first day, looked around examining the ground and determining what needed to be done, then didn't appear again till the job was done, to ensure we were satisfied and to collect their fee. They, in fact, owned the drilling company.
America -- what a country! -- where a wild injun can drive a $100,000 custom four-wheel drive pickup, marry a good-looking white woman and boss around white men who treat him with cordial respect.
Also what a country because the auxiliary generator we needed to ensure continuous operation of the well and storage tank pumps was not to be had anywhere, including from the manufacturer. Shortages in critical parts and lack of available shipping and trucking had brought inventories to zero with no prediction of when existing orders could be filled. No one was accepting new orders. So we probably won't risk grazing cattle on that land and all the considerable expense of the well may end up being wasted.
It seemed a natural and surely successful way to ameliorate their health problems, especially since American Indians had been very successful farmers, providing the world with everything from potatoes, tomatoes and corn to squashes, all sorts of beans and chilies, and even cocoa and vanilla, not to mention tobacco and cocaine.
Everyone was all smiles as we helped them stake out a garden, till the soil, plant seeds, water and fertilize. We even made a scarecrow with spinning discs and twirlers made of old store bakery pie pans and ribbons. I looked forward to seeing the fruits of our labor when I returned during summer vacation.
Alas, when I did so, to my surprise and dismay, the garden was dead. No one had done anything to it since we left. It hadn't been watered, weeded, hoed...nothing. The seeds had sprouted, grown, then withered and died. When I asked what had happened, why no one had taken care of the garden, I was met with shrugs and sheepish grins from fatties stuffing their faces with Doritos and Cheetos. I didn't understand.
When I told my mother about it she said God helps those who help themselves but even God can't help those who won't try.
Last year, every graduating high school student at that rez who had a "B" average or higher joined the armed forces. They'll learn job and managerial skills, self-discipline, discover their capabilities and limitations. They'll see some of the world. It's doubtful that they will ever go back to the rez except to visit. They helped themselves.
One of the differences between the lives of men and women is that men will not, I seriously doubt, ever have to contend with women surreptitiously ogling them and masturbating -- and sometimes not so surreptitiously! Nor will they ever have a woman tell them they masturbate to their photographs. Nor will a woman masturbate to the sound of their voice while they are talking on the telephone, or while they are on a job-related video call. Nor will a woman upload photos of them to a website for other women to comment on and masturbate to.
But men do all those things to women routinely. I have had every one of those things happen to me and so have my female friends. I've even had a male acquaintance request photos of me so that he could masturbate to them. I wouldn't be surprised if he sent the same request to every female on his contact list, hoping to get lucky. Once when I was an undergrad some guy, I don't know who, cut out a photo of me that was in a college-affiliated publication, ejaculated on it and mailed it to me. You say how can such things happen in the world of "me too"? Well, as far as I can tell, that's pretty much confined to certain social classes, ones I don't circulate in.
I used to be surprised, alarmed, flattered, frightened, baffled by male actions. Now I don't care. If I find out about it, I just shrug. Men. That's just the way they are. As long as they don't physically harass or attack you, what does it matter?
I used to mention to my guy when this happened but he would just laugh. I think sometimes he got turned on by knowing other guys were hot for me.
Another sort of man might become jealous or angry, and not necessarily at the male involved but at the woman, accusing her of encouraging the men. So I'm lucky that mine isn't the jealous type, not that he need be. But I also accept that he doesn't take such things seriously.
Maybe it's because he realizes that I don't either. If I really did, knowing him, I know that he, being a forceful man of action not a talker, would take care of the problem swiftly and permanently.
I have been blatantly sexually harassed from time to time, and not always by men. That's not because I am some exceptionally desirable piece of merchandise but just because I'm female and guys (and sometimes lesbians or bi's) are always trying their luck with possible sexual partners.
Everyone knows the joke about the guy who goes up to every woman he sees, says something, gets slapped, but just keeps repeating the action. When asked what's going on, he says that he's asking the women to have sex with him. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred they turn him down, but oh, that hundredth time!
My mother taught me that when a man comes on to you in a way that you don't appreciate or feel is inappropriate, let him
Of course, some men can't take "no" for an answer and some men actually enjoy pushing past the "no," enjoying your discomfort or embarrassment, even your fear. In such cases, a high heel to his foot, a spilled drink or food should give you an opportunity to escape as well as provide a warning that his actions won't be cost-free. It's best to make what you do appear accidental, especially if the masher, to use an old-fashioned word, is a co-worker, family friend (or relative!) or some other person you have to continue to interact with. Only if the man persists in his actions, or escalates them, should you involve the authorities. Then do it immediately. Don't wait.
But don't expect much from involving them. In fact, they could even cause you more problems. The grim truth is that sometimes bad things will happen to you and there is nothing you can do about them except thank God you weren't injured or even killed.
You also may have to accept that the perpetrator will face no punishment and feel no remorse, in fact might happily recall the incident and, who knows, maybe even masturbate to the memory.
Sunday, February 6, 2022
After almost continual generational changes in what a desirable woman should look like, from bustles and wasp waists to busty, hippy Gibson Girls to flat-chested, boyish flappers to, finally, it seemed, the physically fit but normally proportioned Petty Girl, the appearance of the hot babe gelled. The below pin-up sports proportions and attire that would seem normal and attractive to a college boy today, even though, were she real, she would be a hundred years old.
But now we are in the midst of a sea change, with sassy, thunder-thighed, floppy-boobed 300-pounders being pushed by the pop culture controllers as the sexiest of all females.So it seems that we have gone back to the stone age in our definition of feminine desirability to this --
-- rather than this --
Yeah, well, excuse me for not buying it. I know what boys like. And so do you.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Summer of Love
Hey guys, did you ever wonder why so often when you try to chat up a woman you encounter that she is stand-offish or hostile?
One time way back when when I was out walking I sat down on a park bench to take a break. Pretty soon a man about the age of my father sat down on the same bench and we got to talking. It turned out he was a native San Franciscan and had been around for the so-called summer of love in 1967, worked back stage at the Fillmore and had known a lot of the rock groups of that era, including a number I had never heard of -- The Balloon Farm, H.P. Lovecraft, The Cyrcle, etc., -- as well as ones I knew such as The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Doors, The Byrds, and so forth.
So we had a nice chat and became friends, meeting at the park several times after by chance, then going to have a cup of coffee, lunch, a dinner or two. He invited me to his house to see his collection of photos, psychedelic posters, handbills and old free hippie newspapers and that sort of thing. For me, he was just an interesting guy who told me about the old days, a subject I've always had an interest in. Not just history, but how it was to be alive in past times. And here was a man who had lived through the events of a particular time and place that have become legendary.
His father was an Irish dock worker and owned a house in the Richmond District. He had a pretty normal life growing up in a era when ordinary people could afford to live and work in the City and could walk or ride the trolley buses, street cars and cable cars just about anywhere. He quit high school when he was 16, not liking school very much. The last straw for him was when he was sitting in some boring class with a teacher droning on and the sun burning through a window made him too hot, so he got up and opened it to get some fresh air. The teacher chastised him for not raising his hand and asking permission to do so, then ordered him to close it. Instead, he walked out of the classroom and the school, ending his formal education.
That was the spring of 1967 and he became a sort of hippie, or at least hung out with the swarms of young people descending on San Francisco that year. He had a girlfriend, he had a really cool job at the Fillmore and began smoking marijuana and taking psychedelics. He told stories of what we would call raves now, rock parties on old abandoned ferry boats along the bay where it was sex, drugs and rock-and-roll all night long, the party hearty, live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse lifestyle.He loved it until he found his girlfriend dead, hanged in an abandoned warehouse along the docks. The cops dismissed it as a suicide and didn't bother to investigate, but he was sure she had been murdered. He said he had a dream in which the murderer was revealed to him. He went to the cops and told them about the dream, which he had had several nights in a row. They told him to get lost. They didn't give a damn about some dirty, drugged-out hippy chick who offed herself. And they half-insinuated that if she was murdered, he was the most likely suspect. Would he like to spend some time in jail while they checked it out? So he let the matter drop.
Then he injured his back and got in a fight with his union boss over how it happened and who was responsible and was out of a job. But he took a training course offered by the City and became a court reporter. It didn't pay nearly as well as the longshoreman's job, but it was enough to support his lifestyle and then some.
I want to tell you about my friend, Wanda…
I had been waiting and looking for someone. But I am VERY particular about whom I turn on to, as I want the person to be able to be receptive to the things I like in life. I lucked out. Somehow we found each other and ever since have become quite close. She is most everything I require in a woman; bright, educated, poetic, funny as hell, very well-read and musically aware; and more incidentally, mature, immature, a wonderful dancer, and very much aware, unafraid, and understanding of sexuality. Oh yeah, and she is drop dead GORGEOUS! (Think a blend of Christina Applegate, Nicole Kidman and Elizabeth Montgomery.) I was stunned!
Ever since I caught her quoting Martin Buber’s “I and Thou”, and other philosophers and poets, I knew I had something special.
I can’t express how much fun we have had. Around my diligent working, we have spent considerable time privately and learned about each other with much delight.
This isn’t about me finding the woman of my dreams. Well, not exactly. We meet each other for a purpose here and that goes for others as well. Besides this, she is only 20 or so, and I’m sure there would be issues related to age-differences, as I’ve learned through experience elsewhere. So I’ve been simply enjoying her good company. She’s been a great and unexpected friend.
Here is a little poem that she sent me. It is a fitting description of my little Wanda, and says so much about her:
A passion to be free
Has always mastered me.
To none beneath the sun
Will I bow down--no one
May leash my liberty!
My life's my own. I rise
With freedom in my eyes.
And my concept of hell
Is to be forced to sell
Myself to one who buys.
Okay, that's a lame poem that a young person would think was "deep," but never mind that. What gave me a surprise, and not a pleasant one, was that he considered me his little Wanda. Say what? No! To me, he was just a nice old guy to chat with. I'd had dinner with him a few times; okay, I guess he could have considered those dates. But, geez, he was my dad's age. So, you know, I considered him "safe." But, clearly, he was infatuated with me: Me? Drop dead gorgeous? Who says something like that? And all that other stuff? He had turned me in his mind into some fantasy of perfection. But I was just some goober. A dumb college girl. And what was this "very much aware, unafraid, and understanding of sexuality" all about? There were totally zero sexual aspects to our acquaintance. The guy hadn't even made a move on me, and if he had I would have told him to back up the truck.
So, in his mind, I was...apparently almost his lover and we had "found each other." Oh, no, please, get out of here! No, no.
Anyway, the more I read over that post and others he had made about me, the more uneasy -- no, the more scared -- I became. What if that summer of love girlfriend he had told me about had not really been his girlfriend, but he thought so and when she found out how he thought of her she tried to get away from him and ended up dead. It's not an uncommon thing. Could that happen to me? I didn't know what to do, so I asked my mom, telling her the whole story, and she told my dad, and he and my brothers paid a visit to this guy and had a come-to-Jesus meeting with him. The upshot of that was that he moved to Washington state and I never saw or heard from him again.
Did I over-react? Did I do a harmless man harm? I felt that maybe I did. But my mother asked me if he had ever told me about any other women in his life besides that one from 1967. No, he had not. Did I think he never had any other women in his life? I hadn't really thought about it, but I suppose not. What was he doing in the park? Why did he sit down next to me and begin talking to me? I'd never thought about that either. She drew me along through a series of questions I should have originally asked myself to consider that maybe I had been targeted and set up by this guy, who very well may have been a serial...predator. I could have become his next victim, naive and trusting as I was.
Well, I'll never know, but I did I learn a lesson: Never, ever strike up conversations with random men you happen to encounter.
But you know what? I still remember that guy with fondness. I did like him. I did find his stories fascinating, especially those about that summer of love and what it was like to be sixteen years old in San Francisco in 1967 enjoying a free concert by Jimi Hendrix in Golden Gate Park with the wind blowing crisp and clean off the bay, without a care and the whole wonderful world waiting to become yours.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
God bless America
Anyway, I got to thinking about this after talking to my father about why his father, my grandfather, a career naval aviator, didn't want him to join the Navy and wanted him to use his aeronautical engineering degree to obtain a job with an aerospace firm, maybe working on space probes, the Apollo project, or designing airliners. We actually have a family friend who pursued that career path and is employed by UTC Aerospace Systems. And one of my relatives worked for North American Aviation on the Apollo command module and the B-70.
Yes, the Japanese did this. |
Be glad you can't read Japanese. |
them. My grandfather was one of those who did that, operating under the simple hands-off orders of Washington to do what you have to do to win the war as thoroughly and quickly as you can. Don't fool around. Just smash the bastards. And that's what we did. And that's why the war only lasted three-and-a-half years, ending in total victory. And that's how my grandfather understood that wars should be fought -- stay out of them or go in to win in a knockout.
An F8E hunting for legal targets in North Viet Nam. |
You can't win a war that way and my grandfather, along with everybody else at the pointed end of the spear as far back 1965 and probably before knew that. He was also frustrated by the hands-on micro-management of the war by Washington. Neither President Lyndon Johnson, a career politician, nor Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, a former Ford executive, knew anything about fighting a war, especially about the capabilities and limitations of air power. But they selected every single target our aviators were assigned to attack.
Well, I don't want to get in to further detail about that war. There are dozens of books discussing every aspect of it. The point is that my grandfather did not want his son to waste his life in a war we were bound to lose.
Huan Nguyen |
Huan's father was an officer in the ARVN when the Viet Cong attacked Saigon during the Tet Offensive of 1968. He was targeted by the communists for execution as an enemy of the people. And to inflict maximum terror on those who opposed the Viet Cong, so was his family. The Viet Cong broke into Huan's home and executed his father, mother, his five brothers, his sister and his grandmother. Huan himself was shot three times, including in the head and left for dead. His mother lived for two hours after the attack and Huan stayed by her side trying to stop the bleeding from her cut throat until she died. For some reason, the guerillas shot the father and sons but cut the throats of the mother, grandmother and daughter. The man who cut their throats was Nguyen Van Lem. He was captured shortly afterward and summarily shot dead by Nguyen Ngoc Loan, the execution caught in a famous photo taken by AP photographer Eddie Adams.
Asan Beach Park on a recent Memorial Day. |
In an interview, Huan said, “The images that I remember vividly when I arrived at Camp Asan were of American sailors and Marines toiling in the hot sun, setting up tents and chow hall, distributing water and hot food, helping and caring for the people with dignity and respect. I thought to myself how lucky I am to be in a place like America. Those sailors inspired me to later serve in the United States Navy.”
And that's what he did. But first he went to university, earning masters' degrees in electrical and manufacturing engineering as well as information technology. He is an alumnus of Carnegie Mellon. He was commissioned as an officer in the Navy in 1993. Besides serving in Japan, he has also served in Iraq and Afghanistan while rising through the ranks to rear admiral, serving as deputy commander of cyber engineering at NAVSEA.
In an interview with MC1 Mark D. Faram Huan said, "Growing up in the war zone, it is literally a day-to-day mental attitude.
You never know what is going to happen next. The war is at your doorsteps. Images of gunships firing in the distance, the rumbling of B-52 bombings on the countryside, the nightly rocket attacks from the insurgents—it becomes a daily routine. There is so much ugliness in the war and living through a period of intense hatred, I didn't have any peace of mind.
War, war, always war. |
I thought of myself as a curse. In my mind, bad news was always around the corner; it was just a matter of time. I was afraid of building relationships just to lose the people I love. I was afraid of losing everything.
Tet Offensive, 1968. |
The message I have come to understand from his example is that it is about service before self and doing what is right, with honor. What I experienced and learned from that event is about honor, courage, and commitment. The same ethos that the Navy I serve pledges today to uphold — honor, courage, and commitment."
The full interview is here. It's well worth reading.
When he was promoted to admiral, Huan said, “It is a great honor to attain the rank of admiral. I am humbled to become the first Vietnamese American to wear the flag rank in the U.S. Navy. The honor actually belongs to the Vietnamese American community, which instilled in us a sense of patriotism, duty, honor, courage and commitment to our adopted country, the United States of America. This is our America, a country built on service, kindness and generosity as well as endless opportunity. These values are what inspired me to serve. And what a great honor and privilege it is to serve our Navy, to serve our country.”
God bless America. You may not say it, but they do. |
I guess what I'm thinking, what I'm trying to convey is that, as screwed up as America may be, as many mistakes as we make, as many things wrong that we do, we are still a worthy country, a worthy people, trying our best. We often do not realize that, or grow cynical in the face of rah-rah phony shows of patriotism by contemptible politicians and their hangers on, crooks and cowards that they are, but others who come to us from far different and far worse backgrounds see that it is true. If we falter, feel the country is done for, they seize the flag before we let it touch the ground and run forward with it.
Oh, why did my dad decide to become a naval aviator, knowing by the time he joined up that the war was lost and that if he flew combat missions over North Viet Nam he had a good chance of being killed or ending up tortured at the Hanoi Hilton? Simple:"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
PS: Here's Douglas Pike's analysis of the Viet Cong's deliberate use of terror against civilians:
The Viet Cong Strategy of Terror
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Oh, what a night
So many things going on...
I've been working on editing my grandfather's journal of his 1965 Yankee station cruise, the last of his career, off and on for more than a year. I always end up putting it aside because it is just too difficult for me to deal with on so many levels. Reading it makes me angry, outraged, and very sad. He was serving on an old World War II-era carrier that had been hit twice by kamikazes, killing hundreds of sailors, the ghosts of some of whom still seemed to inhabit it. All the grease in the expansion joints had been burned out and it creaked and groaned like an old man with arthritis. Their air strikes against North Viet Nam had destroyed all crucial targets, including 70 percent of the country's POL supplies, within two weeks and there was nothing of value left to bomb, yet still Washington insisted on air strikes against a country the economy of which was based on bicycles and water buffalo. Robert McNamara personally harassed the CAG with calls refusing to accept the accuracy of the after-action reports he was reviewing and demanding they be altered to show better results. He even dictating the number of sorties each pilot should fly daily and what the bomb load of each aircraft should be. And all the while they were losing more airplanes than they had during the Guadalcanal campaign. McNamara demanded that stop, that pilots should bring their battle-damaged planes back to the carrier to be repaired rather than ejecting to save their lives. Well, you can guess what that led to, those planes that could make it back to the carrier crashed attempting to land and not only air crew but flight deck personnel became casualties. My grandfather wrote passionately of how he did not want his son, my father, to become a naval aviator, but did not know how to dissuade him. And he didn't. Seven years later my father was flying combat missions over North Viet Nam.When you're all cried out, you might as well laugh. |
I was talking with my mom about how we remember or imagine the past to have been. We always recall or envision it to be better than it was for those living it at the time. All the distressing details have vanished and there is only left a golden glow of good times. Well, what's wrong with that? We're not actually ever going to go back in time, so why not imagine it the way we want it to be?
We also talked about music and how men and women differ in their tastes. Guys love music that when they listen to it in their cars they end up driving 100 miles an hour. Girls prefer music that makes them wistful and if it makes them cry, so much the better. Guys will wonder why on earth would you want to listen to music that makes you cry, but, you know, sometimes you just need a good cry for no reason at all. It's a female thing. Males wouldn't understand.
Anyway, this tune combines both my affection for times gone by that I never lived through and my need to sob into my spiked sarsaparilla. Oh, and I like to dance to it, too. And it's nice to know lots of other people do like the old songs and songs composed and performed in the old way.