I was looking over my draft posts and see that I have more than a dozen that I've started and not gotten around to finishing, some dating back to early spring. So many things have happened. But I'll wind them up and post them soonest.
A woman's work is never done.
Well, one of these days. Maybe. I'm pretty busy at the moment. Taking care of a new baby can be exhausting, and if you've got three other Shetland riders to herd .... I'm glad my mom is able to help me, as is el jefe. My mini-me is kept busy by my mother but she, my mini-me, is also very helpful and interested in everything going on; well, she tries to be helpful. She does the best she can. El jefe keeps the two future world conquerors busy. He loves being a dad, no doubt about that. He keeps me busy, too, being a boob man (and an everything else man!). I'm happy to oblige. Why not? He gives me what I want and I give him what he wants (respectively, a back rub and a sandwich...or something).
We bought another airplane to supplement the BE-18. El jefe finally
gave in to my point that the Twin Beech was getting to be too old to be
our main workhorse, especially if
Randy, our local A&P man and
expert on its PW radials, decides to move on, as he has hinted he might. So we got a Beechcraft G58. It's pretty good, has some nice avionics. I wanted a King Air but it didn't fit the budget, plus it's really more airplane than we need on a regular basis. Maybe another time. I can tell that if I fly the G58 a lot I am going to get lazy habits. The BE-18 demands that you fly it. Almost everything is manual, requiring the pilot to do everything, and actually control the airplane, relying on old-style "steam" gauges and the Mark I eyeball. Not so with the G58. Which is not bad. I could get used to it. The 21st century does have its points.
My mother and I recently invited some friends over for coffee and cake
and we chatted about this and that, enjoying a pleasant afternoon.
During a lull in the conversation, one of my mother's friends looked
directly at me. I looked back and she held my gaze for a couple of
seconds before saying, "You're a very serious girl." I was a bit
surprised and didn't say anything. But my mother, looking at me, said,
"She always has been." I looked at my mother, then out the window.
After a few seconds of silence the conversation began again, covering
other topics. It was as if that exchange had never happened.
Male sexuality bemuses me. For example, men in dresses -- okay, "transsexuals." I guess that's where the "T" in T-girl comes from.
The thing I don't get is that supposedly heterosexual men seek out and enjoy sex with these T-girls, knowing full well that they are males. I repeat, heterosexual men do this, not gays. There may be dudes with boobs but there definitely is no such thing as a chick with a dick. If it has one of those, it's a male. Period. You may say that's just a small minority of men who go for them. But I don't know about that. I suspect that all this moral outrage men express over transsexuals is probably phony: men are really good at faking outrage over sex stuff. I wouldn't doubt that the most loudly scornful would have sex with a T-girl that caught his fancy without hesitation.
Anyway, men enjoying sex with men dressed as women is nothing new. I found this story in the Dec. 10, 1907, issue of the Los Angeles Times:
“Twenty Los Angeles men, some said to be
prominent in social and business circles, were arrested last night by
police at a stag party in the home of former Mayor Harper and were
booked at the police station on the charge of social vagrancy.”“Seven of the men, including the
host, Joseph Harper, 24 years old, are alleged by the officers making
the raid to have been gowned in feminine apparel.”
After a few paragraphs, the paper
says, “According to Police Sergeant Gifford and the officers of the purity squad who conducted the raid, a degenerate orgy was in progress
when they entered the house.”
“All the men are charged with lewd and
dissolute conduct. Seven were dressed as women and the police say their
acts were such that the charges against them can be upheld in court.”
“Police said that officers learned
about the party several weeks ago. Arrangements were made to have some
of the officers in the house.”
“The raiding officers in plain clothes
gained entrance to the house and mixed with the strange guests. Several
other officers climbed into the house by way of a rear window and
concealed themselves beneath beds. After watching the party for over
two hours, whistles were blown and the raiding party rushed into the
Well, boys will be boys. And sometimes girls. And the cops enjoyed the party for two hours before lowering the boom. Heh.
"Sadie Thompson gathered herself together. No one could describe the scorn of her expression or the contemptuous hatred she put into her words. 'You men! You filthy dirty pigs! You're all the same, all of you. Pigs! Pigs!'"
~ W. Somerset Maugham, Rain
But amusing pigs. Oink!