Friday, March 20, 2020

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Surfer Girl Credo

I was browsing through some old files I found on a thumb drive and found this from way back when.  Gave me a nostalgic chuckle about who I used to be and what my attitudes once were (not bad, actually).  I was very happy in those days, but, of course, didn't realize it. 

Wanda's Surfer Girl Credo

Even though surfer girls may have a don't-care attitude, they are classy. They relax and take life as it rolls in with the waves.  They are chilled.

*A surfer girl is confident, optimistic and friendly.
*She never takes life too seriously. She's cool and down with it; that means she is open-minded and ready to try new things.
*If someone does something she doesn't agree with, she doesn't start criticizing: let others do what they want, it's none of her concern.
*If someone complains about her, she takes it in stride--you can't please everyone.
*If someone's nasty to her face, she smiles and shrugs.