I'm in a glum mood. I really should not pay attention to the news.
I mentioned to a friend that when I had said to someone that no matter how bad things got, as an American descended from those who created this country, that I would stick it out and hope to outlast this current crash into totalitarian madness and help the recovery on the other side, only to have it pointed out to me that almost all of my ancestors had been refugees from persecution who had fled their oppressors -- German anabaptists, French Huguenots, English Quakers -- so why shouldn't I and all the others being victimized also flee, and that my answer had been okay but flee to where? To which I got no answer.
It's been done before.
He thought for a minute and said, if you can find no country to flee to, why not create one? He explained that, as an example, American ex-military could travel to some out of the way country and seize control, then invite whites to emigrate from the United States to their new homeland. He went into a lot of detail about how this could be achieved, but that was essentially the plan. I said it sounded like the plot for a Frederick Forsyth novel. He said so what if it does? A couple of other guys were listening in and grew increasingly interested in what we were talking about and joined the conversation. I listened to the three of them play around with the idea, considering it seriously. They finally decided that the country to take over would be one of no strategic importance, with no mineral wealth or anything else to attract the predator nations. The government should be weak and corrupt and the population small and poor, but not so poor as to be a magnet for NGOs. It should.... I excused myself and left them poring over maps and fact books on their cells. They didn't even notice my leaving.
I went outside. It finally felt like spring was on the way, the sun shining, melt water trickling through the mud. I took a walk.