Sunday, August 1, 2021

The New American Man of 1954

Sixty-seven years ago, according to this article in Life magazine, a 22-year-old could afford to buy a house, so he must have had a decent job that he didn't need to have a college degree (and accompanying student debt) to get.  He also got married and by age 25 had two children.  Something was going right with the world back then that sure is not happening today.  Oh, and they had that thing called a baby boom.  Second Oh, and the population of the country, according to the Census Bureau, was 89.3 percent White.  No connection, of course.  Just noting it as a data point.

Most popular fast foods of 1954. Yum!

The No.1 song on the 1954 hit parade. How terribly sexist it is -- I like it!

Just throwing this in; another example of how we used to be as a country. Do you think you could find something like this on the wall of a post office or school today? You could 67 years ago!
