I was browsing some website that hosts a variety of fringe stuff -- a lot of it is interesting to me as much for the way it reveals how people think and what they want to believe as for anything else. Somebody leaned over my shoulder and browsed along with me for a few minutes before asking me if I was a white nationalist. Hah! As if! Those characters would drop-kick my butt out of their treehouse in a heartbeat.
But considering the way whites, especially white men, are savaged by society today, I can't help feeling sympathy for them. But whenever I try to do so, I am viciously attacked and driven away. Why? Because they absolutely hate women, especially white women. Oriental women are okay by them, but not white women.
I know, crazy, right? But there it is. Where do these guys think white men come from anyway? Apparently they believe they just materialize out of the ether or reproduce asexually, like some kind of human amoebas.
One time Mark Twain was asked to give a talk on the theme, "What would men be without women?" He gave a very short speech. Rising from his seat and striding to the speaker's podium, he surveyed his all-male audience. "What would men be without women, you want to know," he said. "Scarce, sirs, almighty scarce." And then he went back to his seat and sat down.
White nationalists should inject the word "white" into Twain's first sentence and think hard and long about the implications of what he said. If you boys want to perpetuate the white race, you really should stop reviling white women.
I don't hold out much expectation of that happening. The movement, such as it appears to be, seems made up of incels, hen-pecked weaklings, bitter divorced men, and assorted dweebs, dorks and nerds, as well as, of course, lots and lots of your standard woman haters.
It's kind of too bad, because I sense a lot of sympathy for the average white, man or woman, these days despite of, or more likely because of, the intense institutional and societal hatred directed at them. A lot of that sympathy comes from non-whites with white friends and spouses, as well as those who just wish all this stupid race-baiting would go away. They suspect it's some kind artificial distraction created for no good ends by the powers that be.
Not being conspiracy-minded myself, I suspect it may be merely a crazy political fad, such as all those pre-school child-molesting scandals that erupted in the 1980s, like the McMartin PreSchool phony trial and all of that. Insane stuff just blows up in society from time to time. File it under the madness of crowds. However, who knows for sure?
But in the meantime, I dedicate this little video to all you white-women-hating white nationalists. Suck on it!