Sunday, July 10, 2022

Happy Anniversary


My grandparents were married for 68 years before my grandfather passed away.  They were fruitful and multiplied, producing children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  And isn't that what it's all about?  Everything else is just static.

My baby-boomer parents got married years later in life than did my grandparents so my grandparents had years more of life together than it is likely that my parents will.  I've often wondered whether it is better to spend your early adult years checking out the world, having various adventures, trying different things, experiencing the hedonistic life, the ascetic life, the gregarious life, the contemplative life, and so on, or whether it is more rewarding to find a good person that you have deep affection for as early a you can and just make your own little universe together, creating and raising a family and letting the rest of the world go by.  I've never been able to decide.