Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Tidbits through time

 Some old photos...

Just married, 1909.

Kids get a bath every Saturday whether they need it or not.  Stove is made from an old 55-gallon drum.








Get a horse!









You can ranch, mine, enlist or work on the railroad....














Or operate heavy equipment in dangerous terrain.

You get ahead by studying and education.

Our own Carnegie library!  Thanks, Andy!

Lunch counter during the Depression.
Lady Lex sailors on liberty, Panama Canal Zone, 1939.







Coffee break, Navy style.  You better like it black.


It's war with the dirty Japs!


Pilot's ready room, USS Lexington, early 1942.
Good order and discipline!
Advancing under fire, Okinawa, 1945.




Driving from Atsugi to Otemachi after the Japanese surrender.  The Japanese soldier facing away is a mark of respect to the conqueror.  We thought it was a snub.

Let's watch this new type of radio with pictures called television.  The future is here! 1949.